Tactics to get you back in the fight

Erinn Rist
Write your awesome label here.

Today let's talk about one of my most favorite topics, how you get your head back in the game of life when everything has gone wrong or things are falling apart. We have all been there, you're not feeling well, you're exhausted, you're angry, you're frustrated, you've failed or you have fallen down. 

So how do you regroup and get yourself back on track? How do you reclaim your motivation, discipline and start heading in the direction you wanted to go? I love a good underdog comeback story, so how do you make your comeback? How do you fall down 7 times and stand up 8?
Everyone is unique and everybody's strategies to help get them out of those unmotivated moments are unique to them. Your strategies could look different from your best friend, your partner or a mentor's, the key is knowing what helps you shake it off and move forward.

It might be helpful to think about moments in the past that were challenging, difficult, painful, or a struggle. When a situation was really bad or things fell apart previously, what were the ways that you got yourself out of it?

It can be anything, it doesn't matter how silly you may think it is, if it works to help you get back in the game and keep you in the fight, do it! If you need some ideas here are some of things that have worked for me:

-ice cold water submersion
-a hard workout/lifting session
-hot peppers/shot of hot sauce; spicier the better
-listening to the Welcome to the Grind Speech
-pick one thing and fix/clean/organize it 
-get a good night's sleep
-power nap

-reading The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
check in with a trusted friend/mentor
-music (Stay Hard| Fight Back playlist on Spotify)
-running/sprints workout
-take a moment and write down/reread gratitudes
-change of scenery for a bit 
-go for a walk outside

-grab a coffee or shot of espresso
-clean my desk/organize my calendar/email box
-drink water

I highly recommend making a list (mental or physical) of the things that can help change your state. I have a few immediate solutions I always try first (hydration, cold shower, hot sauce, exercise, music) and if they don't work I try something else on my list.

Having that introspection to be able to zoom out, take a moment to pause, then reach into your toolkit for what can disrupt your pattern. Refer to your list, prioritize what you need, scan down that list to figure out what's going to help, then execute. You may not fix everything, but those actions can at least support you as you figure out how to get through and keep moving. Stay strong, you got this!
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