Sharpening the Axe: 5 Areas to Improve Your Life and Boost Efficiency

Discover how sharpening the axe in five key areas of life—health, relationships, finances, time, and knowledge—can boost your productivity, well-being, and overall satisfaction. Learn practical tips for working smarter, not harder.
Feb 9 / Erinn Rist

We all aspire to work smarter, not harder, especially in an era demanding increased productivity at breakneck speeds. Many of us find ourselves juggling multiple tasks, often wondering, 'Where does the time go?' This is where efficiency comes into play, allowing us to streamline processes, achieve our goals, and savor the magic life has to offer.

Here, I share insights into five suggested areas of life where you can sharpen your proverbial axe, enabling you to accomplish more than you thought possible. Many individuals navigate through life with a dull blade, tirelessly hacking away and feeling they can barely make a dent. This leads to discouragement, burnout, and overall dissatisfaction.

Consider taking a step back to evaluate your life. While hard work is essential for success, sharpening your axe ensures that your efforts count. Let's explore ways to work diligently and efficiently, making the most of our time and energy.

Let's go!

Putting it into Action:

5 (Suggested) Areas to Sharpen the Axe:

  1. Health:
    • Physical Well-being:
      • Prioritize long walks, especially in nature, for both physical and mental health.
      • Aim for 7+ hours of sleep each night to support overall well-being.
      • Identify and prioritize the type of rest your body needs to prevent burnout.
      • Hydrate adequately (0.5-1 fl oz per lb of body weight).
      • Limit screen time to aid in sleep and dopamine rebalancing.
      • Consider hiring a trainer to optimize gym time and achieve fitness goals.
  2. Relationships:
    • Choose Your Inner Circle Wisely:
      • Surround yourself with people who challenge your thinking and contribute to personal growth.
      • Create an inner circle with those who inspire and uplift you, providing honest feedback.
      • Be mindful of those who drain your energy; limit time spent with such individuals.
  3. Finances:
    • Money Management:
      • Review and cancel unused subscriptions to streamline expenses.
      • Apply the 1% Rule for impulse buys: If it costs more than 1% of your gross annual income, wait 3 days before making the purchase.
      • Explore financial literacy through books like "The Psychology of Money" and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad."
      • Create a budget with 50% for Needs, 30% for Wants, and 20% for savings and investments.
  4. Time:
    • Effective Time Management:
      • Apply Pareto's Principle: Focus on the 20% of tasks that lead to 80% of your results.
      • Utilize the Pomodoro Method for deep focus: work in intervals with short breaks.
      • Embrace 'No' as your default response to non-essential commitments.
  5. Knowledge/Skills:
    • Continuous Learning:
      • Read daily for at least 30 minutes to broaden knowledge and perspectives.
      • Dedicate 30 minutes a day to deliberate skill practice (e.g., playing an instrument, learning a language).
      • Listen to audiobooks/podcasts during your commute or walks.
      • Approach every interaction as an opportunity to learn, imagining everyone has something valuable to teach.
      • Explore online classes (e.g., Skillshare, MasterClass) for self-paced learning.

Bringing It Home:

Remember, maintaining your axe is a continual process that requires regular learning and growth. While I've highlighted a few areas, there are many more ways to sharpen your axe, so feel free to reflect and choose what works best for you. Be kind to yourself, seek feedback, and engage in introspection. Don't hesitate to upgrade your tools and your thinking; problem-solving is diverse, so explore and find what suits you best. Finally, remember it's okay to revisit and adjust strategies as life evolves.

Stay sharp, and don't forget that you've got this!

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