
Erinn Rist
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We are quickly approaching January 1st. Whatever stance you take on resolutions, many people are starting to think about it and formulate their goals.

The issue is that there's a whole culture of resolutions that centers around the negative or eliminating things. The "don't eat this, don't do that, stop this..." mantras. The problem with centering your resolution around a negative statement like that is you actualize this all or nothing mentality, potentially setting yourself up for failure. By taking away a perceived bad habit and not adding a better habit in its place you leave a hole that you will fall into. You will back slide to the old habit, it's normal, human, and it was a habit you maintained for X amount of time. If that habit has been hanging around for months or years it is going to take a lot more intention and action to break it than just a statement of "I am not going to do____!"

However, I'm here to tell you to not give up hope. You can change your approach. You can make it smaller, more manageable, and focus on that small change to start the process.  You can absolutely work your way up to bigger goals, but start small.

Keeping in mind that tiny habits, good or bad, have the potential to change your life. When you build upon those tiny habit successes, those tiny habits start to morph into bigger habit successes, which transform into bigger changes, and from there, the sky's the limit. It won't feel as painful to expand upon your goals in smaller increments, just be patient and commit to the long game. Massive change rarely happens overnight in a way that revolutionizes, but adding brick by brick will eventually build something incredible if you keep at it. 

You got this!
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