Social outs when not drinking

Erinn Rist
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We all have reasons why we make certain choices to not drink at certain times in our life. However when someone decides that they aren't going to drink, this can become a challenge in social settings.  For whatever reason, alcohol is the one drug that most people have the hardest time accepting that somebody doesn't want to do. Especially if they have been with that person previously in social settings and have seen them drink.

Whatever your reason is for not drinking, remember, it's your business, nobody else's. I have had periods in my life where I have opted not to drink, and while it takes some resolve to not compromise my choice to make others more comfortable, it is possible to not bow to peer pressure and stick to your plan.

Here are a couple of tactics that I've used in the past when in these social settings that have worked for me, maybe they'll work for you:

"No thank you, I'm good"
"I've had my limit for the night"
"I'm driving" 
"I have an early ___ in the morning"  meeting, workout, etc
"My current medication doesn't mix with alcohol" This one works exceptionally well. People are significantly less likely to challenge you when it comes to medical matters.

Other options to navigate it if you feel comfortable:

Order an actual drink, carry it around and slowly pour it out in the bathroom or outside.
Order yourself a soda water with a piece of citrus or a mocktail, looks like a drink and no one is the wiser.

Remember, why you choose to or not to drink is your choice and bottom line, you don't owe anyone an explanation. Stay strong!
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