Break through resistance to change

Erinn Rist
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Growth requires change, and with that change can come unexpected feelings from yourself and from others. You may meet resistance because you are breaking expectations. These expectations may have been created for you by others, or you may encounter resistance from yourself as you break habits and neural pathways that have been in place. Both of these occurrences are normal and to be expected when making lasting changes.

Sometimes you will have supportive people in your life that will encourage your growth and progress. Other times you'll find that you've upset people or angered them because of your changes. This can happen because you have altered their projected perception and idea of who you are. Everyone else kind of falls somewhere in the middle, generally too busy and caught up with their own lives to have strong opinions on your journey. Growth can feel polarizing, uncomfortable, difficult and messy. However, it is not your responsibility to take ownership for anyone's feelings or reactions to your personal growth. Surround yourself with those that support your journey and all the twists and turns that come with it.

Decide what kind of person you want to be and prove it to yourself with your actions, beliefs and habits time and time again. This process will create and grow this newer version of you with every decision you make.  Over time, as you build upon your success, you will actualize the confidence to keep going even when life gets hard.

It's your journey, you have one life, who do you want to be? Stay strong. 
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