We are hardwired to avoid pain. If we tell ourselves that we're going to stop something that isn't good for us, or start something that we don't want to do, we have already convinced ourselves that it is potentially going to be painful. We will start thinking of ways or excuses to avoid doing that specific thing to avoid the pain. It is a vicious cycle that can have us potentially giving up on our goals or resolutions if we don't take action to out-maneuver that pain avoidance.
However, there is another option. By adding things as opposed to taking things away, you bypass that part of your brain that says, "Nope, this is painful, I don't want to do this." Moreover, by adding things you can activate that part that's like, "This isn't really painful of that bad, yeah, we can do this!"
However, there is another option. By adding things as opposed to taking things away, you bypass that part of your brain that says, "Nope, this is painful, I don't want to do this." Moreover, by adding things you can activate that part that's like, "This isn't really painful of that bad, yeah, we can do this!"
Thus convincing your brain that you are avoiding pain and setting yourself up for success.
I am a huge fan of adding rather than taking away. You want to eat healthier? Add a serving of veggies to every meal rather than vowing to never eat pizza again. Want to get in shape and you are currently not exercising? Start by adding 15 mins of purposeful movement into your day, a walk, an exercise video on youtube, 15 mins of calisthenics, rather than commit to an initial and daunting hour 6 days a week. Want to stop spending so much time mindlessly scrolling social media? Add 15 mins of scheduled intentional social media time to your calendar and keep to that appt. Trying to drink more water? Add drinking 16 oz of water before you have your morning caffeine to your day...you get the idea.
We are hardwired to avoid pain, by taking some time to establish your goal and approaching from an alternative view, you can optimize your brain's role in your success!
I am a huge fan of adding rather than taking away. You want to eat healthier? Add a serving of veggies to every meal rather than vowing to never eat pizza again. Want to get in shape and you are currently not exercising? Start by adding 15 mins of purposeful movement into your day, a walk, an exercise video on youtube, 15 mins of calisthenics, rather than commit to an initial and daunting hour 6 days a week. Want to stop spending so much time mindlessly scrolling social media? Add 15 mins of scheduled intentional social media time to your calendar and keep to that appt. Trying to drink more water? Add drinking 16 oz of water before you have your morning caffeine to your day...you get the idea.
We are hardwired to avoid pain, by taking some time to establish your goal and approaching from an alternative view, you can optimize your brain's role in your success!